We open minds and broaden perspectives so that you’re equipped to thrive on complexity, diversity and constant change.
Welcome to the nationally preeminent public liberal arts university where a practical education meets life-altering, real-world experiences. Cultivate your career and discover the boundless ways to thrive at Georgia College and beyond.
What is a liberal arts education?We open minds and broaden perspectives so that you’re equipped to thrive on complexity, diversity and constant change.
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Our beautiful, historic campus offers an inspiring academic environment fitted with a close-knit community and a strong sense of campus pride.
At Georgia College, what you learn in the classroom progresses your career and empowers you. Explore the limitless ways to go beyond the classroom through service learning, study abroad, internships, undergraduate research and more.
Our classes are small to give you the personal attention a liberal arts institution fosters. You’ll learn from talented professors and from your peers, too. Discovery, critical analysis and practical education—it’s all standard at Georgia College.
Your unique talents will guide you in your pursuit of leadership opportunities. Use your perspective to solve community issues, discover new ways to give back or start a new organization.
Everyone here cares about something—from arts to academic drive, you’ll have opportunities to define what matters to you. Discover what our student life has to offer.
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965 Graduate Students
$28,060 Out of State Tuition & Fees
Average Class size 24 Students
Find information on admissions deadlines and how to apply.
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